Charts of the Five Marchmounts and the Four Holy Rivers ( 五河圖).Charts for Grabbing the Mechanism of Victory and Defeat of the Grand Unity from the Ten Essences and Four Spirits ( 太一十精四神勝負握機之圖).The Formula of the Five Yin and Five Yang for Concealing the Jia Cyclicals ( 五陰五陽遁之式).The Seal of the Five Bright-Shiners for Regulating Demons and Communicating with Spirits ( 制妖通靈五明之印).The Book by which the Five Emperors of the Numinous Treasure Force Ghosts and Spirits into Service ( 靈寶五帝策使鬼神之書).
The Talismans of the Martial Tokens of the Six Jia Cyclicals and the Six Ren Cyclicals ( 六甲六壬兵信之符).The following is a few of the listed items: Can I cut the harm facing my people?" Thereupon the goddess bestowed various objects and artifacts. I want the art of winning a myriad victories in a myriad battles. No one can protect his own nature or life. His poison is harming all the black-haired people. If you have any doubts, you may question me." Huangdi responded: " is cruelly crossing us. Jiutian Xuannü said: "I base myself on the teachings of the Grand Supreme. Huangdi greeted her and received her command. She wore variegated kingfisher-feather garments of nine colors. Jiutian Xuannü rode a cinnabar phoenix, holding phosphors and clouds as reins, into the great mist. Huangdi would dwell in the mist for several days. Chiyou had caused a great mist, which was so impenetrable that it obscured day and night. The work relates a story about the goddess appearing before Huangdi during a time when the latter was in conflict with Chiyou. It mentions that Jiutian Xuannü is the teacher of Huangdi and the disciple of Xi Wangmu. The Yongcheng Jixian Lu ( 墉城集仙錄 ), written by the Daoist master Du Guangting (850–933), contains a biographical account of Jiutian Xuannü. The goddess Jiutian Xuannü was known to ride a phoenix ( type of creature depicted), holding phosphors and clouds as reins